Services In-Home Services
ABT provides comprehensive in-home Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) services to children, teens and young adults. By utilizing a variety of evidence-based curriculums to suit the needs of each client, ABT is able to provide behavioral services in the areas of social skills, independence, safety, problem behavior reduction, basic through advanced communication skills, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), executive functioning skills, occupational skills for young adults and more.
ABT is not an early intensive intervention (EII) provider and most of our families receive between 2-12 hours of in-home service per week, depending on the needs of the client. ABT does not provide ABA services for academics (math, reading, and writing), however we are able to assist families with skills related to academic success (organizational skills, increasing on-task behavior, etc).
Parent and Family Training Services
Parent and family training includes a workbook providing a workshop-style training in Applied Behavior Analysis. This can be used as a stand-alone service for families or can be utilized to assist families in beginning additional services with ABT. On-going and intensive parent and family training is required throughout the duration of therapy for any family receiving in-home ABA services from ABT. ABT is contracted with most major insurance companies and other funding sources. These funders expect and require that families maintain a high level of compliance with ABA services including: